
PMR General Features
5-Tone Signalling formats ZVEI, ZVEI2, CCIR, EIA, EEA and "KENWOOD" in normal 5-Tone.
2-Frames 5-Tone, 3-Frames 5-Tone plus up to 8-Tone formats
Battery Saver Mode Yes
Battery Status Indicator Yes
Busy Channel Lock-out Yes
Calling Alert Yes
Compact Design Yes
Companded Audio Yes
Digital ANI Built-in Yes
Display configurable in languages other than English Yes
Dot Matrix Display Yes
3-Digit Sub-Display Yes
DTMF Function Yes
Ease of Operating Use Yes
Emergency Call Function Yes
Emergency Key Yes
Emergency Advanced Motion Detection Function Man-Down function as standard. And by an optional Software Licence gives Dual-mode "Staff Safe" alerts triggered either by a pre-set time with no movement or a pre-set time of excessive movement
Flash Upgradeable Firmware Yes
FleetSync/FleetSync II Yes
Front-panel Test Function Yes
GPS Built-In Yes
Internal VOX Ready Yes
Front-panel Keypad Yes, 12-keys. Telephone-style keypad
Lone Worker Function Yes
Low Battery Warning Yes
Man-Down Function Yes, Both the trigger angle and the trigger time can be pre-set
MPT1327 Trunking Yes, In Analogue FM Trunked mode
Multiple Scanning Function Yes
Operator Selectable Tone Yes
Programmable Function Keys 8 Programmable Function Keys
Programmable TX/RX Indication Yes, Switchable ON or OFF
QT (CTCSS) / DQT (digital) Yes
RSSI Level Indicator Yes
SDM Manual Input Yes
Single-Tone Encode, 2-Tone Encode Yes
Talk Around Yes
"Talk Back" Scanning Function Yes
Time-Out Timer Yes
Transceiver Password Yes
Transparent Data Mode Yes
Voice Inversion Scrambler Yes
Voting Function Yes
Windows PC Programming and Tuning Yes
Wired Cloning Function Yes
NEXEDGE Features
Auto-Roaming/Registration (Multi-Site Trunking Mode) Yes
Broadcast Call (Trunking Mode) Yes
Call Queuing with Priority Yes
CW (Morse Code) Message Function Yes
Fail Soft Mode Yes
FM Analogue Conventional Included Yes
GIDs Per Network (Multi-Site Trunking Mode) 60000
GPS Location with Voice Yes
Group Call (Trunking Mode) Yes
Group Registration (Trunking Mode) Yes
Individual Private Call (Trunking Mode) Yes
Late Entry (Trunking Mode) Yes
Location Registration Yes
Message Trunked Mode Yes
Multi-Site IP Network Compatible Yes, Up to 48 sites
NXDN Conventional Included Yes
NXDN Digital 12.5/6.25kHz Channel Spacing Yes
Over-the-air Alias Yes
Over-the-air Programming Yes, Allows NEXEDGE radios to be re-programmed remotely
Priority Monitor IDs Yes, 4 IDs
Radio Access Numbers (RAN) Yes, 64 (Including "None") in Digital Conventional Mode
Remote Group Add (Trunking Mode) Yes
Remote Stun/Revive/Kill Yes
Selcall - Individual and Group (Digital Mode) Yes
Short & Long Data Messages Yes
Site Roaming (Digital Conventional Mode) Yes
Special Alert Tone Patterns Yes
Status Messaging Yes
Telephone Interconnect Function Yes, Requires KTI-4 Interconnect and a Telco unit
Transmission Trunked Mode Yes
UIDs Per Network (Multi-Site Trunking Mode) 60000
Wide Area All Group Call (Multi-Site Trunking Mode) Yes
FleetSync Signalling Features
Emergency Status Yes
GPS Ack Request Yes
Group Calling Yes
Power On/Off Status Messages Yes
PTT ID & Emergency GPS Reporting Yes
PTT ID Digital ANI Yes
Selective Calling Yes
Send GPS Data Yes
Short Text Messages Yes
Status Message Block GPS Reporting Yes
Status Messaging Yes
Applicable Standards
ATEX Certification Yes, to EU 94/9/EC.
Certified to II2G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb - Gas protection,
II2D Ex ib IIIC T110 degrees C Db - Dust Protection,
IM2 Ex ib I Mb - Mining
R&TTE: EN300 086, 300 113, 300 219, 301 489, 301 166 Yes
R&TTE: EN300 440 Yes
R&TTE: EN301 166 Voice & Data for 6.25KHz Digital
EU Safety: EN60065, 60950-1, 60215 Yes
Factory Quality Certification and Location ISO 9001. Manufactured in Japan
For use in the EU Yes
IECEx Certification Gas protection - Ex ib IIC T4 Gb.
Dust protection - Ex ib IIIC T110 degrees C Db
Mining - Ex ib I Mb
IP65 Yes
IP67 Yes
Measurement - EIA Standards Yes
Measurement - EN Standards Yes
MIL-STD 810 C/D/E/F/G Yes
Technical Specifications
Frequency Range 136 - 174 MHz
Number of Channels 512
Number of Zones 128
Talk Groups Yes
Channel Frequency Spread 38 MHz
Channel Spacing - Analogue - Wide/Mid/Narrow 25 kHz/20 kHz/12.5 kHz
Channel Spacing - Digital - Wide/Narrow 12.5 kHz/6.25 kHz
Antenna Impedance - 50 Ohm Yes
Battery Life 5-5-90
approx 8.5 hours GPS ON
approx 14 hours GPS OFF
Frequency Stability ± 2 ppm (-20 °C to + 50 °C)
Operating Temperature Range -20 °C to + 50 °C
Operating Voltage 7.5 V DC (± 6.2/8.4 V)
Dimensions With KNB-70LEX:
138 x 58 x 39.8 mm
- Projections not included -
Weight (net) With KNB-70LEX: 493 g
Receiver Specifications
Adjacent Channel Selectivity (Analogue) 68 dB at 12.5 kHz
Audio Output 500 mW with less than 3% distortion. 8 Ohms Impedance
Intermodulation (Analogue) 65 dB
Sensitivity (Analogue) - EIA 12 dB SINAD 0.28 µV at 25 kHz
0.28 µV at 20 kHz
0.32 µV at 12.5 kHz
Sensitivity (Analogue) - EN 20 dB SINAD -3 dB µV at 25 kHz
-3 dB µV at 20 kHz
-1 dB µV at 12.5 kHz
Sensitivity (Digital) 3% BER:
0.32 µV at 12.5 kHz
0.25 µV at 6.25 kHz
1% BER:
-1 dB µV at 12.5 kHz
-4 dB µV at 6.25 kHz
Spurious Reponse Rejection (Analogue) 70 dB
Transmitter Specifications
RF Power Output 1.2 W
FM Noise (EIA) Analogue:
48 dB at 25 kHz
48 dB at 20 kHz
43 dB at 12.5 kHz
Modulation Distortion Less than 3%
Modulation Limiting Analogue:
± 5.0 kHz at 25 kHz
± 4.0 kHz at 20 kHz
± 2.5 kHz at 12.5 kHz
Spurious Emission (EN) -36 dBm ≤ 1 GHz
-30 dBm > 1 GHz